



■語彙  単語・熟語を覚える授業もあります。
・ex (e, ec, ef) = out, from, off
effort: ef(外へ)fort(力):努力   eliminate: e(〜から)limin(敷居):除く   enormous: e(外へ)norm(基準):巨大な
excel: ex(外へ)cel(上げる):他に勝る   expand: ex(〜から)pand(広がる):拡大する
・in (im, il, ir) = in, into, not, on
increasingly: in(中に)crease(成長する):ますます   independence: in(否定)de(下へ)pend(ぶら下がる):独立   influence: in(中に)flu(流れ):影響
innovation: in(中に)nov(新しくする):革新   insincere: in(否定)sincere(誠実な):不誠実な

fini:終える definitely: de(下に)fini(終える):確実に   flu:流れ influence: in(中に)flu(流れ):影響   fort:力 effort: ef(外へ)fort(力):努力
fume:煙 perfume: per(完全に)fume(煙):香水   limin:敷居 eliminate: e(〜から)limin(敷居):除く   liver:自由にする delivery: de(〜から)liver(自由にする):配達

■文法  一度、整理しなおしてみると英語力が確実に上がります。
・疑問代名詞:what, which, who(m), whose:Whose is this pen?(このペンは誰のですか?)
・疑問形容詞:what, which, whose:Whose pen is this? (これは誰のペンですか?)
・疑問副詞:when, where, why, how:When did you buy this pen?(あなたはいつこのペンを買いましたか?)

He is a boy. The boy is nice.
He is a boy. Who is nice.
He is a boy who is nice.(彼は好青年だ)
主格 who, that which, that
目的格 ★whom, that ★which, that
所有格 whose whose
補格 ★that ★that
This is a man. The man is an English teacher.
This is a man who is an English teacher.(こちらは英語の先生です)
This is a man. I like the man. → This is a man. I like whom.
This is a man whom I like.(こちらは私が好きな人です)
This is a man. The man’s father is a lawyer. → This is a man. Whose father is a lawyer.
This is a man whose father is a lawyer. (こちらのお父さんは弁護士です)
I am not the man. I was the man. → I am not the man. I was that.
I am not the man that I was. (= what I was). (私は昔の私ではない)

・when, where, why, howのこと。
This is the time. She started at the time. → This is the time at which she started.
This is the time when she started.(こちらが彼女が出発した時間です)
This is the place. She often go to the place. → This is the place to which she often goes.
This is the place where she often goes.(こちらが彼女がよく行く場所です)
This is the reason. She laughed for the reason. → This is the reason for which she laughed.
This is the reason why she laughed.(これが彼女が笑った理由です)
This is the way. I traveled in the way. → This is the way in which I traveled.
This is the way I traveled.(このように私は旅をします)  ★「the way how」とは言わない。


